Saturday, March 3, 2007

My First Time

Well, here I am. Staring at this blank box, wondering...what the hell am I doing here? I've thought for years about putting some of my many random thoughts out there on the net for anyone to see. In fact, I've been thinking about it longer than the word 'blog' has been something other than a typo. And so I've finally taken the leap. After teetering on the brink so many times, I finally clicked the button to see those intimidating words - "Your Blog has been created!" Now what? How is it I've had so many thoughts begging to be put in black and white for so long, yet I can't figure out where to start? Perhaps it's that I'm not used to creating and nurturing something over time. When it came to getting married, I had no fear of commitment, but when it comes to projects, fear I do. Messed up, aint it? It's true though. I feverishly apply myself to the project du jour, in hopes of getting it done before something else catches my attention. Because if I so much as glance the other direction, I know I'll never turn my attention back to the project at hand. Which explains the half full garbage bag of clothes waiting to be filled the rest of the way and sent to Goodwill (for one month); the half painted shelves in my attic (for 18 months); the half finished bookkeeping system I created for my company (24 months); and the seedlings that wither and die on my porch each year before I can actually get them in the ground. Ironically, I've set out several times to change that about myself, but each time I've either been discouraged by a lack of progress or I've gotten bored with the whole thing and moved on to something sexier. So will I stick this out? Will I blog religiously for the next 30 years? Will I see the light and finally stick

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